Friday, October 29, 2010

A simple maya feature that I know everyone wants.

I want to add a directory structure of some kind to the hypershade window. FLAT organization for shader balls is lame! i want to have a nice little folder named "RigShaders" that only utility shaders for my rig should live in. "CharacterMesh" shaders for things actually on a character, i mean, duh! fuck it's been 11 freakn years and it's still a flat organization without any chance for rearranging shit!

Autodesk broke maya.

in maya 2011 autodesk broke everything.
many many small bugs scattered all through out their stupid transition to QT, which by the way is a nokia thing which not even nokia is all that happy with. So why did they go with it?! they broke pickwalking, the hot box acts funny, and preferences for window setups dont get saved properly. and thats just what ive noticed TODAY alone after working in it for 5 hours.

file menu dialog broke, ctrl+uparrow no longer goes up a directory. which is lame! my habbits of being a windows user and a person who uses they keyboard for everything are now being thwarted by bad UI.

as i find things i'll continue to add posts about the crap that im coming across in maya... autodesk had better fix this shit! damnit!

Monday, October 25, 2010

yet another new office.

now im working at second and market. not a great view, but the area rocks. and extran bonus, i have a 5 minute bike ride from my apartment to work.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

reinstated shut on my phone

Now I'm testing to see if its all working
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

4G on my sprint evo!

So just thought i'd mention that in my office, we have a temp DSL till we get a real internet connection. Also, I've got maxed out 4G with my Sprint Evo. DSL is averaging 2.0MB down 0.5MB up, SBC sucks. My phone on the other hand is doing about 3.0MB down and 1.0MB up. Much better. I'll just leave the hot spot on on my phone and do my work through that. I'll let the other 7 people in this office fight through SBC's crappy DSL.

yay 4G.

rxokita's shared items