Thursday, December 15, 2011

more SOPA

Issa points out a flaw in the amendment in that there is a part of the bill that allows for enforcing copyright from any other nation in our nation. This is only US law, not international law, it's way too far reaching. So we need to limit the copyright law to just this country. 6 - 24 Copyright loses... so angry about that. Why do we need to enforce copyrights from china here? China don't enforce our copyrights over there.

So dumb.

So far every amendment to an amendment has been voted NO, so basically this bill will pass through the justice without any changes to it's venomous idiotic ways. Looks like free speech is going to have to go to dark net forums, like it's the french underground hiding from the SS. Yep, I said it. the DOJ is now the copyright nazi party.

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